Thursday, May 21, 2009

A perfect Friday mind trip

Don't ask me, I just found this.

Arthur Clarke - Fractals - The Colors Of Infinity 6 of 6

Arthur Clarke - Fractals - The Colors Of Infinity 5 of 6

Arthur Clarke - Fractals - The Colors Of Infinity 4 of 6

Arthur Clarke - Fractals - The Colors Of Infinity 3 of 6

Arthur Clarke - Fractals - The Colors Of Infinity 2 of 6

Arthur Clarke - Fractals - The Colors Of Infinity Part 1

Every time I set up my fractal art display at festivals I have many people mention to me about a PBS special they saw on fractals. The name of this documentary is "The Colors of Infinity." I've owned the DVD for many years and have watched it dozens of times but if you'd like to be immersed in the world of fractals, here is the 6 part YouTube series.

I'm a geek

I used to sort of hide the fact that I was a geek at heart, now I proudly tell everyone I meet. So have these fellow geeks.

University Street Fair- Seattle

This year's U District show went off without a hitch. Great sunny weather and re-assignments of spaces found the artist only on University Ave and not tucked away from the action on one of the many side streets. These streets were regulated to food vendors and commercial & non-profit organizations.

This is the 7th year I've done this show and I more than doubled the best year I had in the past. Good weather, better space, moon, sun & star alignment, I don't know why but this year rocked.

The promoters finally listened to us artists and made the changes necessary to bring this show back from the buy/sell graveyard it was in the past few years.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Expanded Solfeggio 1110hz pairs via K.I.S.S. laser unit

Don't ask, just watch and listen. Very fractally.

For Kaden

The coolest thing in the whole world according to my grandson Kaden, are elephants. This song along with the corresponding video is for him.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Nature's fractals

One of the coolest explanations of the Fibonacci sequence I've run across. Here is an article I found over at Environmental Graffiti.

Friday, May 8, 2009

This Twitter thing

I think I might try an experiment. Last year I wrote about how much of a time drain the Internet can be if you don't set a few parameters for it. Checking your e-mail 10 or more times an hour, allowing yourself to be swept away from your task at hand by digging too deep into extraneous side subjects in Wikipedia or just surfing too much can effectively steal hours of your day.

I love blogging but often times find it difficult to post interesting and informative updates because I'm on the road doing art festivals much of my year. I tried a few times to update this blog via my smart phone when a reliable WiFi connection wasn't available but that sucked and I quickly abandoned that idea. I could however make quick posts another way very easily.

I might have a partial solution to this dilemma. Twitter. For the 2 people who might read this that doesn't know what Twitter is all about go here first and then return to finish reading my post.

I was wondering about just how I've patterned my use of the Internet for the past decade (or more) and thought it might be interesting to see if there was a way for me to centralize my online time by using Twitter as my only link to the Net. A jumping off point of sorts. I would gradually wean myself from e-mail, my RSS reader, my habit of checking out all of my favorites websites on a daily basis and concentrate on building a base of like minded, interesting contacts on Twitter that would "feed me" all of the information I currently get in the fragmented way I'm currently using the Net. The way that took me years to develop these habits I've become accustomed too.

Let me explain further. Instead of opening up Mailplane (a Google e-mail application) to fire off a lengthy e-mail to someone, I would just send a 140 character @ message to them via Twitter. Maybe it would just be to direct them to an interesting article I want them to see.

Instead of using my Google RSS reader to "push" me information it thinks I need to see, I would rely on my Twitter contacts to tells me what they think is important for me to take the time to check out. Same goes with FriendFeed. If I construct a reliable and trusted group of friends on Twitter, opinions I trust, to send me to info they think it's important for me to see, I wouldn't waste as much time as I currently do following up on my out dated daily routine.

Likewise with me sending out useful links back to them. Or better yet, re tweeting great content that I get turned onto. Sounds a bit like I'd be leeching info off others without giving much in return, but I assure you, that is not my intent. I'll do my share.

Like I said in the beginning of this post, if I do go ahead with this plan, it's just an experiment to see if I can more efficiently use my on line time better.

If you already have a Twitter account and want to help with this experiment go here to "follow me" on Twitter and we'll both see how this idea works out.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A reunion of old friends

Last weekend the 35th annual Moscow Ren Fair was held in East City Park under less than desirable conditions but none the less, didn't dampen the spirit of this venerable event. Because North Idaho can present every weather conditions imaginable this time of year, artists and fair goers alike have to be prepared for anything. For the past 2 years this art festival was blessed with beautiful, sunny skies and warm weather, so if you happened to only attend on either of those years you might have expected more of the same, but sunny weather is more of an anomaly here at this time of year.

What is normal for this event is usually cold and rainy conditions. It isn't uncommon to even have to put up with a snow flurry or two during the weekend.

The show opened under bright blue skies but by afternoon a slight drizzle started to dampen the park but not the attitude of those attending. As usual, the music for this year's fair was superb as well as eclectic. The tunes lightened everyone's mood and kept most attendees still in the park even through the rain. Although I heard some artists complaining about the lack of buying energy (most likely because of the rain) it wasn't the case with me.

My booth is set up close to the music stage which draws and keeps people closely exposed to my art at all times. My sales were as strong as ever even through the rainy weather.

Even though I've become used to doing much larger venues where hundreds of thousands of people walk past my booth on a given weekend, I think I'll always make room in my schedule for the Ren Fair. It's like a reunion of old friends, it feels good.